Are you looking for an alternative to college that offers good pay and job security? Consider the construction industry!

Construction is the backbone of our economy, and with the increasing demand for new homes, businesses, and public works projects, it’s a great opportunity for young people looking to get their start in the workforce.

Unlike most other professions, you don't need a college degree to jump in and start making money. In Minnesota, the starting wage for a construction worker with zero experience is $22-$24 an hour, and that doesn’t include overtime. And the longer you stay in a particular construction trade, the more you can potentially make. Foreman, skilled laborers, and truck drivers make anywhere from $65,000-$120,000 a year - without any debt to show for it!

Plus, most construction companies offer training and promote from within, meaning that you have the potential to advance in the field without having to go to college. Many companies even offer benefits like healthcare and 401k plans. So not only can you make good money without college debt, you can also gain experience and skills that will stay with you for life.

Think about it - instead of learning in a book, you're learning on the job. You're getting real world experience, and you're doing something that forms the foundation of our economy. It's an opportunity that can’t be overlooked!

So don’t let the high cost of college keep you from achieving your goals. Consider a career in construction - it may be the perfect fit for you!